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Learn. Heal. Grow

Take lead of your life

  • Life Skills 

  • How to build everlasting positive relationships with friends, family, spouse and children to gain an optimum experience of life through Islam.  

  • Islamic Growth Through Atomic Habits. Life skills that will help you discover balance from time management to dietary needs and sleep management from an islamic point of view. 

  • How to engage with your anxieties and traumas from a Quranic perspective so you can retain the good and filter the bad.. This will help you build a growth mentality. 

  • Rebuild healthy boundaries and form loving relationships with difficult parents embittered by their resentments.

  • Develop marriage and pre-marriage relationship skills to build harmony in the home. 

  • Cultivate and nurture self assured, confident children who have an Islamic vision for life. 

  • A Woman's Quranic Guide through conception, pregnancy and childbirth based on Muftiya Nasima's upcoming book "Al-Wiladah"

  • Spiritual Literacy 

  • Learn the art of Marriage and the adab of intelligent listening and compassionate communication.

  • How to engage with classical primer texts to engage with controversial modern issues in our times; from race, gender roles in public and family life.

  • Connect with Allah (swa) through His divine names and attributes to take lead of your life.

  • Meaningful prayer and fasts to strengthen your connection with Allah (swa). 

  • Become an independent learner by travelling 'through letters to light' i.e from Tajwid, reading Arabic to comprehend, and Tafsir to contemplate and implement. 

  • Gain a unique insight into the home life of Muhammad (pbuh) with his loved ones in our Seerah and hadith sessions

  • Understand the major themes of the Quran as a key to explore the hundreds of lessons we can take from each Surah. 

  • Gain Islamic financial literacy to remove the taboo of money and wealth within the family home. 

  • Starts June 29th 2024 

    This course includes:

  • 100hrs of Classroom Sessions Delivered over 20 weeks

  • Livestream & 24hr Recorded Access

  • 1-1 Mentorship & Counselling 

  •  Journaling Support & Group Reflections and Discussions

  • Onsite and Online Workshops with a Variety of Teachers

  • 10hrs of Pre-Recorded Support Materials

  • Creche Included to Support Young Families Worth £1100

  • Start Your Journey

    Onsite & Online | Starts June 2024 | Your Turning Point in Spiritual & Mental Health | Grow Through Self Mastery & Relationships Skills.

    Healing Starts At The Quran Institute

    We Must Face "home truths" To Uplift The Ummah

    Indeed, inner peace starts at home, it's our place of refuge and safety. To achieve this, you must face your "home truths." You need to prepare for marriage, level up your marriage, or heal after separation. It's all here at The Family Program. 

    Are you being held back? Lack of willpower and negative relationships have shackled us. It cannot be emphasised enough how much our friends, family and community limit our horizons and prevent us from uncovering our God-given potential.

    This course will teach you how to find positivity through thankfulness and forbearance mindsets to become a positive influence on yourself and others. Eventually, you will build a growth mindset that will leave you never looking back as you venture forward.

    Almost ten years ago, Moinul and Nasima left their careers and migrated to Egypt in search of full-time studies in Arabic and Islamic knowledge. Their son Hamza travelled with them from Cairo to Madinah, Makkah to Fez, and Rabat in Morocco in search of knowledge. Explore the disciplines of Islam while benefitting from mentorship, companionship and a real sense of community.

    Build a powerful mindset that will help you build emotional maturity in a new vision for you and your loved ones. Seeking knowledge shouldn't divide families; it should unite them. This is why family is at the centre of the educational experience at the Quran Institute.

    Student Testimonials

    Are You being Held Back?

    Venture Forward To A New Life

    Your Instructors 

    People who believe in you

    Explore knowledge with relatable scholars

    Growth amidst a fast paced life

    Muftiyah Nasima is Fiqh & Curriculum Builder and a full-time mother of four. She holds a degree from Queen Mary University in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, her dissertation was on 'Clay and the Origins of Life'. She is also a qualified school teacher. After studying in Egypt and attaining Ijazaat on Islamic Scholarship (Alimiyyah) under the tutelage of Shaykh Akram Nadwi, she established The Quran Institute. She also attained ijazaat from Makkah, Madinah, Fez & Rabat. She is currently researching woman related fiqh, mentoring students of knowledge and working on her book "Al-Wiladah" which is a guide through pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood to an Ummah-level conscientiousness from a spiritual and mental health perspective. 

    Mufti Moinul is a Tafsir & Arabic instructor at the The Quran Institute and pastoral counsellor at Al-Madad Outreach (AMO). He is a qualified as a Mufti (jurisconsult) from Darul Ilm UK and is now working as a pastoral counsellor for Al-Madad Outreach helping muslim couples. Before this, he was awarded his Alimiyyah Qualification under the tutelage of Sheikh Akram Nadwi at the Al-Salaam Institute which is authorised by Dar Al-Uloom Nadwatu Al-Ulama, Lucknow, India. He is currently rolling out several community projects ranging from a Women’s Centre, a Muslim Mental Health listening line along with pastoral support for ISOCS in the UK, a Youth Sanctuary Project, and the Ummatica Diploma Program to bridge Dawaship and Scholarship. His aim is to develop grassroots leaders (Da'ees) who can build communities to reach an Ummah-level conscientiousness.


    Scholars Who Recommend Family Program

    Your Blueprint For Life & Marriage

    Root Sessions

    In-Person, Livestream & Recorded

    ☰ Tajwid: The Sweet Science of Articulation with Mufti Moinul

    “Indeed every letter has a right and is deserving”

    The word Tajwid linguistically means ‘proficiency’ or ‘doing something well’. When applied to the Qur’an, it means giving every letter of the Qur’an its rights and dues of characteristics when we recite the Qur’an and observing the rules that apply to those letters in different situations. We give the letters their rights by observing the essential characteristics of each letter that never leave it. And we give them their dues by observing the characteristics of each letter that are present in them some of the time and not present at other times.

    The Qur’an was revealed with Tajwid rules applied to it. In other words, when the angel Jibrael ((AS)) recited the words of Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) he recited them in a certain way and he showed the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the ways in which it was permissible to recite the Qur’an. So it is upon us to observe those rules so that we recite it in the way it was revealed.

    This course is for brothers and sisters and will run online and onsite for 10 weeks at our institute in London. The course will comprise of an explanation of the Qa’idah i.e the foundational rules for reciting the Quran correctly. Sisters will have Muftiyah Nasima marking the weekly voice recorded homework assignments.

    Here is a brief list of topics that will be covered: 

    Seeking Refuge (Isti’athah)

    Seeking refuge silently

    Saying Basmalah

    The Rules of Noon and Meem Mushaddad

    The Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween Tanween: A Noon Saakinah which comes at the end of nouns. It is pronounced but not written.





    The Rules of Meem Saakinah

    Ikhfaa Shafawy

    Idghaam Shafawy

    Izhaar Shafawy

    Laam Shamsyiah & Qamaryiah Qalqalah

    Heavy and Light Letters Alif Madd Laam in the word Allah

    The Ghunnah for the Ikhfaa

    Madd Tabee’ee

    Madd Al-Badal Madd ‘Ewadh

    Madd ‘Aridh Li-Ssukoon

    Madd Al-leen

    Madd Waajib Muttasil

    Madd Jaa’ez Munfasil

    Madd Lazim Kalimee Muthaqqal

    Madd Laazim Kalimee Mukhaffaf

    Madd Laazim Harfee Muthaqqal

    Madd Laazim Harfee Mukhaffaf

    Minimum duration of module:: 10 Weeks

    ☰ Arabic Citadel with Mufti Moinul & Ustadh Moumin

    Curriculum Content 

    We will be teaching grammatical breakdown (i’raab) of Arabic sentences. This begins with knowing the letters (حروف), which make three types of words (كلمة), which makes four types of constructions (تركيب) which leads to two types of sentences (جملة) which are either verbal (فعلية) or nominal (اسمية). 

    Curriculum Method

    This will be done by limiting the learning remit to reading and not writing, speaking and listening skills. These can be built on top of reading skills and less of a priority where understanding the Quran is concerned. We will focus on the “80/20” rule which is concepts and items for memorisation that are more frequent than others. We have carefully selected the most common words and concepts to cover the most amount of ground within the limited scope of our intensive course. 

    Course Outcomes 

    Over the duration of this course you will attain the ability to:

    i- break down prepositional sentences and full sentences with knowledge of compliant, partially compliant and non-compliant nouns 

    ii- navigate through dictionaries to find meanings behind nouns and adjectives.

    iii- have a basic level of grammatical parsing (i’raab) so as to understand sentence structure and meaning 

    iv- translate 50-70% of a randomly selected page of the Quran at a basic grammatical level

    v- familiarity with underlying theories of (any) language so as to experience the sense and feeling of a text i.e literary appreciation

    vi- differentiate subcategories of nouns such as attached and detached pronouns and how they differ from verbs and prepositions 

    vii- basic ability to conjugate common verbs and extract base letters (triconsonantal/semitic roots) 

    Lesson Structure

    The lesson structure will be given to students a week at a time as we are assessing progress in real time so as to accommodate the pace of all students as the course progresses. 

    Duration of module: 20 Weeks

    ☰ 99 Names Towards Mental Wellness by Mufti Moinul

    99 Names Towards Mental Wellness by Mufti Moinul

    Embark on a fascinating journey into the depths of the divine names of Allah (swa), each holding a unique and profound significance. 

    The meanings of each name are like a sea without a shore. Imagine the transformative power of His divine names, like gentle waves, washing over the shores of our broken hearts! Divine names that make you want to get out of bed and face the day and want to sleep and trust tomorrow will be a better day. They are names that are unimaginably deep and meaningful to the human heart, and they profoundly affect our marriages, families, and relationships in general. The deeper you dive, the happier you will be. If we only knew! 

    What could be more tragic than leaving this world without experiencing the profound love of Allah! To truly know Him is to love Him, and to love Him is to worship Him. This is a love that can transform our lives, and it's a love that we should strive to know and experience without delay. 

    Join Mufti Moinul on a journey of self-discovery through one's connection with the Creator of the natural world and the vast universe. This connection exists despite our being unaware of it. All perspectives for mental wellness are based on the works of Imam Al-Ghazzali and various Exegesis of the Quran.

    "Of all the years I've spent counselling couples and individuals facing a faith crisis, I've seen people so broken on the inside due to what a relative or friend did to them that they dislike being within their skin. They only find peace in scrolling online and other comforts to avoid feeling an inexplicable sense of pain. It's like they have been pushed out of their own Islamic aspirations and goals that live within them. 

    It fills me with deep sadness that they faced trials from creation without knowing the All-Wise, All-Knowing, Perpetually Loving Creator behind these experiences. A Creator that seeks nothing but to raise our rank and turn us towards Him before it's too late". - Mufti Moinul, Couples & Family Counsellor. 

    Minimum duration of module: 20 Weeks

    ☰ Self Mastery: Imam Muhasibi’s “Risalah Al-Mustarshideen" by Shaykh Dr Safaruk

    Treatise For The Seekers: Risalah al-Mustarshideen: Al-muhasibi's Risala Al-mustarshidin

    Al-Muhasibi presents most of the major ideas that would both serve as the basis for a full program of spiritual development and comprise an insightful overview of a system of Islamic moral psychology. 

    He examines in great depth and penetrating insight the psychological motivations and justifications for moral thought and action and correspondingly the associated bases of immorality. In doing so, he has provided a road map that any person can follow to overcome the guiles of his fundamental enemies: the world, the ego, the whims of the soul, and Satan.

    Dr Safaruk studied Philosophy at Kings College London completing it with the accompanying Associate of Kings College (AKC) award. He then travelled to Cairo studying the traditional Islamic Studies curricula at al-Azhar University. He returned to the UK to complete His MA at the School of Oriental and African studies with distinction. Dr. Safaruk is currently the project researcher at the ‘Beyond Foundationalism’ project sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation at Cambridge Muslim College.

    Minimum duration of module: 10 Weeks (First 3 Weeks Onsite. Remaining Weeks Online)

    ☰ Family Ummatics: Marriage Skills, Parentcraft & Financial Literacy | Mufti Moinul

    Is it me or do we keep hearing about some of the nicest people we know getting divorced?

    Have we ever thought our own relationships could be hanging by a thread and how it could be us next? A brother asked me why he should bother studying parenting if he isn’t married let alone with children. I told him “to discover how you were parentled incorrectly”. This is not to dislike or even be ungrateful to our parents, but to study the sacred sciences to build a filter to take all of the good and leave the toxic, character destroyed, confidence breaking behaviours that crippled us then and even affected our relationship in the present day.

    It’s not about whether you’re a nice person, it’s whether you’ve inherited or taught how to relate to others below the surface level and how to not let toxic relationships obstruct your growth.

    When we see shocking neglect by people who abandon their parents in homes to preserve a their lifestyles, we attribute our doing the opposite as a blessing of Islam. What we forget is that the old lady abandoned in the care home most likely did the same to her parents. This is a hardwiring that’s not easy to change through talk of how superior Islam is but rather through developing relationships rich with Islamic knowledge that inform structures that cement generations of families. 

    Generational change is needed, and for that we need to anchor families back to the Quran. We want to see a passing of the baton of well adjusted and knowledgeable generation that hands over to the next generation. These days, we don’t hand over what we got right, we hand over what we got wrong in our marriages and how we were parented to build generational trauma ending in a rise in faith crisis.

    This why our motto is "family is the foundation". You do not need to be married or a parent. You need the desire to be one of the seeds of change and the soil for others to change. This will help you become family oriented person who wishes to branch out and help the Ummah and humanity.

    Minimum duration of module: 10 Weeks

    ☰ Progression Potential: Ummatica Diploma Program

    For those seeking accreditation, you can continue after the family program for another year to complete our 2yr Arabic and Islamic Sciences diploma certification. Not all muslims who attain good relationship skills need to be students of knowledge BUT all students of knowledge and da’ee’s need relationship skills. This is because, family IS the foundation.Contact us if you are interested in our advanced 2yr Diploma. Here is the proposed contact to be covered for Year 2 with some modifications pending. Fees for the second year will be announced near September 2024.

    •Arabic Renaissance Literature Program - Muftiya Nasima

    • Fiqh of Fasting & Prayer - Muftiya Nasima

    Primer in Usul: Al-Waraqaat (Pre-Recorded) - Shaykh Safarruk

    •Tafsīr: The Hundred of Al-Baqarah - Mufti Moinul

    •Hadith Nomenclature: Al-Baiquniyyah - Shaykh Safarruk

    •Darkness to Light Seerah Course - Mufti Moinul

    •Women's Personal Fiqh - Muftiya Nasima

    •Dawa masterclass (Pre-Recorded) - Ustadh Abdullah Al-Andalusi 

    •Personal Mentorship Class - Mufti Moinul

    •Hadith An-Nawawi Studies (Pre-Recorded) - Shaykh Safarruk

    •Safeguarding and mental health training - (TBA)

    Branch Sessions

    Livestream & Recorded Access

    ☰ Al-Wiladah: A spiritual Guide to Motherhood by Muftiya Nasima


    Al-Wilaadah: Exploring A Woman’s Spiritual Journey Through Pregnancy and Birth

    By Muftiyah Nasima Umm Hamza


    For many women the path through pregnancy and birth sees them refer to many magazines, articles and self help books written by western authors. In many cases there are not enough resources available for the Muslim woman and how she should view the journey to becoming a mother as a Muslimah, and if there are, then they are either not comprehensive, or scattered in multiple books. I found myself in this same situation when I had my first child, and I remember feeling very lost. Alhamdulillah, I learned through my own experiences and formal learning. This is why the aim of writing this book was to gather the spiritual guidance which our beautiful Deen provides us with, on the life changing journey of becoming a mother.

    Table of Contents



    1.1 Reflecting Upon One’s Own Role and Responsibility In Becoming A Mother 

    1.2 Searching For A Suitable Spouse 

    1.2.1 Imaan and Taqwa 

    1.2.2 Fertility 

    1.3 Why Should We Have Children? 

    1.3.1 Prophet’s (pbuh) Desire For Muslims Greatest in Number 

    1.3.2 Rewards and Virtues Mercy and Love Source of Ajr An Alert To Not Be Diverted By Children 

    1.4 Islamic Guidance While Trying To Conceive 

    1.4.1 The Importance Of Tawakkul An Example From The Quran Of Tawakkul While Trying To Conceive 

    1.4.2 The Significance Of Dua Some Duas For Conceiving 

    1.4.3 Balancing Between Sabr And Shukr Shukr Leads To A Positive Mindset: 

    1.4.4 Dealing With Trials And Difficulties Faced During Conception Infertility Miscarriage 


    2.1 An Opportunity For Shukr 

    2.2 Choosing Carefully Who To Announce Pregnancy With 

    2.4 Tarbiyah Within The Womb 

    2.5 Creation and Stages Of The Fetus 

    2.5.1 Gender 

    2.5.2 Special Needs and Disabilities 

    2.5.3 All Signs Point To Worship Allah (swt) Alone 


    3.1 The Reward For Childbirth 

    3.2 Fabricated Narrations About Pregnancy And Birth 

    3.3 Dua For An Easy Birth 

    3.4 Lessons From Maryam (as) And The Birth Of ‘Isa (as) 

    3.5 Post Birth Responsibilities 


    4.1 The Quranic aim behind children

    4.2 Back to learning and activism with young children 

    4.3 Suggested curricula for children 

    4.4 Being the Khadijah for your Muhammad

    4.5 Marriage counterparts in Dawah and Service

    CONCLUSION: How to be high value family in the Akhirah

    Minimum duration of module:: 8 Weeks

    ☰ Arabic Trench Session & Tajwid Drills by Ustadh Ibrahim & Ustadha Asia

    Curriculum Content 

    We will be teaching grammatical breakdown (i’raab) of Arabic sentences. This begins with knowing the letters (حروف), which make three types of words (كلمة), which makes four types of constructions (تركيب) which leads to two types of sentences (جملة) which are either verbal (فعلية) or nominal (اسمية). 

    Curriculum Method

    This will be done by limiting the learning remit to more reading than writing, speaking and listening skills. These can be built on top of reading skills and less of a priority where understanding the Quran is concerned. We will focus on the “80/20” rule which is concepts and items for memorisation that are more frequent than others. We have carefully selected the most common words and concepts to cover the most amount of ground within the limited scope of our intensive course. 

    Course Outcomes 

    Over the duration of this course you will attain the ability to:

    i- break down prepositional sentences and full sentences with knowledge of complaint, partially complain and non-complaint nouns 

    ii- navigate through dictionaries to find meanings behind nouns and adjectives.

    iii- have a basic level of grammatical parsing (i’raab) so as to understand sentence structure and meaning 

    iv- translate 50-70 of a randomly selected page of the Quran at a basic grammatical level

    v- familiarity with underlying theories of (any) language so as to experience the sense and feeling of a text i.e literary appreciation

    vi- differentiate subcategories of nouns such as attached and detached pronouns and how they differ from verbs and prepositions 

    vii- basic ability to conjugate common verbs and extract base letters (triconsonantal/semitic roots) 

    Lesson Structure

    The lesson structure will be given to students a week at a time as we are assessing progress in real time so as to accommodate the pace of all students as the course progresses. 

    Minimum duration of module: 4 Sessions


    ☰ In The Auspices of Salah by Mufti Moinul

    In the Auspices of Salah | One Day Course | Inner dimensions of prayer

    Ustadh Moinul Abū Hamza attempts to untangle the many modern confusions in relation to mixing matter with spirit, deen and Dunya so as to harmonise the two aspects in one's Salah and life as one single lived experience. How can one be expected to pray and remain calm and peaceful with the world in turmoil? Can one really be meditative in prayer and transcend the turbulence of the poor, the destitute and oppressed? And is that what is wanted from us in prayer? What are we meant to be thinking about when reciting?

    Minimum duration of module: PRE-RECORDED

    ☰ 21st Century Muslimah by Ustadha Sadia Umm Husna

    A working Muslimah’s guide to navigating through public and corporate life while holding onto one’s Islamic values. Ustadha has worked for over half a decade at the FCA and a decade more in office environments. 

    Minimum duration of module: 1 Online Session

    ☰ Mindful Journalling by Ustadha Nagina Umm Umar

    A structured seminar on how to avoid “writer’s block” when doing written Muhasaba. This will aid students in accessing their authentic selves through creative writing through sincere reflection. Ustadha holds a BA (Hons) in English Literature.

    Minimum duration of module: 1 Online Session

    ☰ Muhammad ﷺ In The Home by Ustadh Ibrahim

    How was the Prophet (pbuh) at home? What was home life like? 

    The guidance of Rasulullah (saw) is like that of rain sent forth by Allah (swt) - to be able to eagerly absorb the blessing, you need to have a space that you’ve carved out within yourself. These sessions are about the magnificent EQ (Emotional Quotient/Intelligence) of Rasulullah SAW, we have a metaphysical link to Rasulullah (saw). This is why following the sunnah is intrinsically beneficial because of its overt and implicit benefits that resides in its complexity.

    Topics Covered: 

    Family and Good Character

    Contributing to the Home 

    Friendship of Rasulullah with His Wives 

    Behaviour With & Towards Children

    Eating and Food with the Family 

    Having Patience with His Wives

    Concern for His Household

    Minimum duration of module: 2 Online Sessions

    ☰ Art of Marriage by Ustadh Munim & Ustadha Shumi


    Join two counsellors on a journey through interpersonal skills and a positive mindset. This module is a guide to empathic listening and good communication. 

    Topics Covered:


    Why empathic listening/communication?

    The dangers of neglecting communication

    Knowledge of yourself

    How do you communicate with yourself?

    The dangers of neglecting communication with yourself

    A deeper look into the Adab of Listening

    The importance of listening to The Quran and Sunnah

    What Prevents us from Listening?

    What to do to become a better Listener

    Path to resolution; Combining listening and communication

    Growth mentality and Self-development

    Examples of healthy behaviour and couple goals

    Minimum duration of module: 4 Online Session

    ☰ The Quranic Hijab by Muftiya Nasima

    Our sisters in the West face a disproportionate requirement to represent Islamic identity in the public space, coupled with the need to work and travel in public spaces that are less safe for women than men. This leads to a natural concern for muslims sisters in what iterations of hijab are acceptable within the boundaries of the sharia. We hope to prove Yaqeen to Muslim sisters by providing a walk through the actual process of deriving the obligation of Hijab. 

    Muftiya Nasima will cover: 

    i- Source text (Quran) with the most reliable exegetes (Tabari, Qurtubi and Zamakhshari) and linguistic a breakdown from Lisaan al Arab)

    ii- A cross-madhab explanation of all possible modes of hijab that can be acceptable to give sisters the ambit if acceptability due to real circumstances they face disproportionately to men in expressing their Islamic identity through clothing. 

    iii- The spiritual foundation of hijab as a mindset like modesty, trust in Allah (swa), self worth and ranking of being a woman according to the Quran. 

    Minimum duration of module: 2 Online Sessions

    ☰ 20 Years Worth Of Marital Advice by Muftiya Nasima

    Muftiyah Nasima Umm Hamza
     holds a degree from Queen Mary University in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and she is a qualified teacher. After studying in Egypt and attaining Ijazaat and an Islamic Scholarship (Alimiyyah) under the tutelage of Shaykh Akram Nadwi, she established The Quran Institute with her husband. Currently, she is an instructor and course co-ordinator for The Quran Institute, Deputy Headteacher at The Quran Academy which she also co-founded with her husband, and a pastoral care worker at al-Madad Outreach. She completed her studies in iftaa at Darul Ilm Birmingham to qualify as a muftiyah. She is also a proud mother of four.

    ....she achieved all of these things by the grace of Allah (swa) while being a dedicated wife, homemaker, mother and carer for her husband's parents! The question is, how? Mutfiya Nasima will provide sage advice on how to balance personal goals and marital goals to achieve marital bliss and personal happiness. 

    Minimum duration of module: 1 Online Session

    In Surah Kahf there is a moment when the student of Musa (as) makes a mistake. Musa (as) did not become angry and correct him harshly. Rather the real relationship between teacher and student is shown when it was said:

    ‎ فَارْتَدَّا عَلَىٰ آثَارِهِمَا قَصَصًا |الكهف | ٦٤

    And so they retraced their steps back (together).

    Students and mentors need to revisit, retrace their steps back together. This is Suhba in our view. This is an open floor session when students can ask ANYTHING to Mufti Moinul and learn life hacks, techniques and mindsets to resolve issues in our personal lives. 

    Take the plunge.
    You owe it to yourself. 

    Any form of sustainable growth must work through the medium of personal development and sound family orientation. To form a model Islamic community in the the West, anything less than this will be a false economy. 

    During the time Mufti & Muftiya were carers, working and raising four children, they were both blessed with the tawfeeq to maintain themselves, extended family, and attained several ijazaat and several degrees while being active in the dawah in the community. The critical question isn’t to just ask "what did they study" rather it should be, "how did they do it as a family". This and more will be imparted from their collective knowledge, wisdom and lived experience to you and your family.

    Seeking knowledge shouldn’t divide families, it should unite them, this is why family is at the centre of this educational experience.

    Online Requirements

    • Anyone with a basic understanding of websites 

    • Should have a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or a mobile device

    • Should have access to internet via WiFi or Mobile data

    • Should allow access to the computer to download files


    + When and where will the course take place?

    The course will start 29th June 2024 at a venue in East London. The timings will be 10am - 4:30pm every Saturday.

    You can leave early or arrive later and access what you want online, or solely online and then attend what you prefer to access onsite. 

    Proposed Course schedule (can vary slightly in order):

    10am-11am : Quran & Tajwid: Sweet Science of Articulation 

    11am-12pm : Law: Family Foundations: Parent & Marriage Course

    12pm-1pm : Lunch Break & Dhuhr Salah

    1pm-2pm : Purification: Self Mastery Course (for first 3 Weeks before Dr Saf goes online)

    2pm-2-15 : Tea Break & Zuhr

    2.15pm-3.30pm : Arabic Citadel Level 1 & 2

    3.30pm-3.35 : Tea Break

    3.30pm-4.30pm : Exegesis : 99 Names Toward Mental Wellness 


    + Are your courses segregated?

    Yes, all our onsite classes are segregated.

    There is designated seating for brothers on one side and for sisters on the other.

    The rest we leave to taqwa.

    + Course requirements

    Absorption levels of all students vary. We will have some workshops, tutorials and online drills and lessons mid week to help you stay on track. This course is there to take you from beginners to an intermediate level. The rest is down to what you make it.

    + Are there any assignments/ homework?

    Yes, your teachers will be giving homework and assignments.

    This is in your benefit to have a better grasp of what is being taught.

    + Will there be any time for Q&A with Mufti Moinul & Muftiya Nasima?

    Yes, we have mentorship sessions where we have open floor questions.

    + Absences and unforeseen circumstances

    1. There are potential changes to our study schedule due to announcements of lockdowns, and so we reserve the right to move the course completely online for student safety.

    2. If onsite student attendance falls below five due to students choosing online attendance or due to absence, then we will also migrate the whole class fully online.

    3. Course fees are non-refundable.

    4. If you are utilising the creche, you are still responsible for your child's additional needs from feeding to changing or any other special needs.


    Healing Starts At The Quran Institute

    [email protected]

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    All Rights Reserved.