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Some recommendations from direct teachers, scholars and academics.

What our scholars say

"I recommend The Quran Institute’s Family Program lead by two of my beloved students who I trust will teach the true family dynamic of the Quran. Mufti Moinul & Muftiyah Nasima both studied with me in the UK and then throughout our travels from Makkah & Madinah to Fez & Rabat. They graduated while having all the struggles of life and duties of a family, this effort will no doubt enhance their learning and inform how they teach families."

- Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi

"I recommended you all to register and complete The Qur’an Institute’s Family Program"

Ustadh Dr Hamza Tzortzis 

“This is a groundbreaking course that adopts a holistic approach to islamic learning”

- Shaykh Dr Safaruk Chowdhury

“Having seen and appreciated the depth of what this program is meant to entail, I strongly recommend you sign up and support it”

- Imam Omar Suleiman

"As a friend and a teacher to Moinul Abu Hamza, I have noticed from viewing his classes that he often expands upon and goes deeper in explanations and interpretations for some points that perhaps don't require so much explanation. But don't be surprised my brothers and sisters, for this is his method since he was a student. He loves to cover the whole matter from all angles, and with this, his need for further Tafseer commentary around the topic increases".

Perhaps many a student will find such detail tedious at times. However if you place yourselves in the level of those who are less than this level in knowledge in this topic, then you would have known the reason for such length in commentary. He puts himself in the place of the beginner, so he talks to him according to the level of his understanding, and then he puts himself in the position of the advanced, so he expands in explanation as he imagines in his mind a person who asks. He tries to talk to each of them both according to the level of understanding, and this process requires from him to expand on things sometimes. May Allah (SWT) reward you my dear brother with the best of rewards."

كأستاذ وصديق لك، فإن ما لاحظته عليك من مشاهدة فيديوهاتك لبضع دقائك أنك غالبا ما تتوسع وتتعمق في الشرح والتفسير لبعض النقاط التي ربما لا تحتاج لكل هذا الشرح والتفسير، لكن لا تندهشوا أيها الأخوة، فتلك هي طريقته منذ كان طالبا، يحب أن يغطي الأمر من كافة جوانبه ولذا تكثر استفساراته حول ذلك الأمر، وقد يجد بعضكم هذا مملا أحيانا، لكن إن وضعتم أنفسكم في مستوى أولئك الذين هم أقل منكم علما لعرفتم لماذا يتوسع في شرحه هكذا، ذلك لأنه يضع نفسه موضع المبتدئ فيخاطبه على قدر فهمه، ويضع نفسه موضع المتقدم فيستفيض في الشرح كأنما يتخيل في ذهنه سائلا يسأل، يحاول أن يخاطب كلا على قدر فهمه وعقله وهذا يتطلب منه أن يبسط في الشرح أحيانا. 

جزاك الله خير جزاء أخي الحبيب

Shaykh Ahmed Al-Jendy, Arabic Grammarian

"Good to see local grassroots educational programmes for the family by the family".

- Shaykh Shafiur Rahman

"The Family program at The Quran Institute is a special journey of knowledge, dawah and purification of the self in addition to practical life skills that every Muslim family should acquire.

- Shaykh Usta

“A much needed course equipping Muslims with comprehensive knowledge of deen and Dunya, necessary to become future leaders”

- Ustadh Abdullah Al-Andalusi

"The family is at the heart of Quranic and Muslim consciousness, and the key to psycho-spiritual well-being, both individually and collectively. It was awareness of this truth which led Moinul and Nasima to dedicate their lives to knowledge, and to the imparting of that knowledge to others. Their excellent Family Program is an outgrowth of their own development, focusing as it does on the kind of life skills and spiritual literacy needed to form and foster strong, Quranically-minded families and intergenerational relations. Their endeavour cannot be recommended highly enough."

Dr Colin Turner, Co-Director, International Foundation for Muslim Theology

"Mufti Moinul doing great work in the trenches, check him and his team out for whole-person development and tarbiyyah"

- Imam Tom Facchine

"Please consider registering in and otherwise supporting this remarkable program led by Moinul Abu Hamza and Muftia Nasima."

- Dr Ovamir Anjum

"Please support this project|"

- Shaykha Aysha Wazwaz

"My students Mufti Moinul Abu Hamza and his wife Muftiya Nasima studied Qawāid-Fiqhiyyah (legal maxims), Maqasid -Ashariyyah (objectives of Isamic law) and Tahqeeq (fatwa research) in marriage and divorce matters. Their fatwas were published at our Darul Iftaa (Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence). I believe these jurisprudential tools coupled with pastoral skills, places them in an ideal position to develop Muslims couples and families."

Mufti Tosir, Darul Ilm / Darul Iftaa

"My brother Moinul Abu Hamza came to Egypt twelve years ago and began studying the Noble Qur’an, including its recitation, memorisation, rules of pronunciation, and articulations of the letters. He was diligent and always said to me while studying the Qur’an: “Ustadh, be strict with me in teaching the Qur’an.” 

He was interested in learning the Qur’an and the Arabic language. Even during his stay in Egypt, he did not care about anything except learning. He spent all his time learning for himself and his family, so it was as it was said about knowledge: “Knowledge does not give you some of it until you give all of yourself to it.” And so he gave his all to his studies and to teaching, and in truth, he’s an exemplar to young Muslims. 

He mastered reading the Qur’an, recitation, memorisation, and letters to the point that when he went to the Al-Masarawi Center for Qur’anic Studies in Egypt to sit an exam in the part he had memorised, the Sheikh was amazed at his reading the Qur’an with such mastery and said to him, “How can you read the Qur’an like us as if you are an Arab, and you are not an Arab?” 

Indeed, he is diligent. He doesn't sleep at night for the sake of knowledge, and he always says, “We will sleep a lot after death.” Allah (swa) (swa) then blessed him with children. However, his children did not distract him from seeking knowledge. May Allah reward him with the best of rewards.

Shaykh Abu Barā Al-Azhari

Shaykh Abu Barā Al-Azhari, Cairo

ان اخى معين ابو حمزة أتى إلى مصر منذ اثنتا عشرة عاما وبدأ يدرس القران الكريم معى تلاوة وحفظا و أحكام التجويد ومخارج الحروف وكان مجتهدا وكان دائما يقول لى وهو يدرس القران( استاذ كن شديدا معى فى تعليم القران)

لقد كان يهتم بتعلم القران ويتعلم اللغة العربية حتى كان فى الفترة التى مكثها فى مصر لا يهتم بشئ الا بالتعلم لقد كان وقته كله للتعلم هو وأسرته فكان كما قيل عن العلم ( لا يعطيك بعضه حتى تعطيه كلك ) فهو أعطى كله للعلم والتعلم فحقا هو قدوة لشباب المسلمين

لقد اتقن قراءة القران تلاوة وحفظا ومخارج الحروف حتى انه حينما ذهب إلى مركز المعصراوي للدراسات القرأنية فى مصر حتى يأخذ اجازة فى الجزء الذى حفظه تعجب الشيخ من قراءته القرآن بهذا الإتقان وقال له كيف تقرأ القرآن مثلنا وكأنك عربى وانت ليس بعربى

حقا انه مجتهدا لا ينام الليل من أجل العلم ودايما يقول سننام كثيرا بعد الموت وهو الذى

رزقه الله بالأولاد ومع ذلك لم يشغله الأولاد عن طلب العلم فجزاه آلله خير الجزاء

شيخ أبو براء الأزهري

The Quran Institute | Learn. Heal. Grow

"I rarely write recommendations for anyone, as it requires a great deal of trust and knowledge of an individual and their traits. As such, I do not say it lightly when I state that Ustadh Moinul is among the most sincere and dedicated students of knowledge I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing in his efforts to enjoin good for our community. Whether with dawah or teaching, he gives his time and energy for the betterment of the ummah, oftentimes at his own expense and against the grain. Despite my misgivings toward the neglect of his own self, I continue to admire his tenacity and love for others. That is why it is easy for me to recommend his ‘The Family Program’ course to anyone who is sincere in understanding and preserving the family unit during these confusing (and often troubling) times. When society has become chaotic and hyper individualistic, the family unit has become the last bastion of sanity and stability in an increasingly unstable world. Because of this, I can think of no better a program than one led by a selfless individual who sees the greater value of maintaining the community and our values than establishing a brand"

- Ustadh Asadullah Al-Andalusi 

Meet Couple Behind The Family Program

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 Mufti Moinul Abu Hamza

Mentor & Quran Instructor

Mufti Moinul Abu Hamza is an arabic and tafsir instructor at the The Quran Institute. He has recently completed his Ifta course at Darul Iftaa Birmingham. Before this, he was awarded his Alimiyyah Qualification under the tutelage of Sheikh Akram Nadwi at the Al-Salaam Institute which is authorised by Dar Al-Uloom Nadwatu Al-Ulama, Lucknow, India. He is currently the co-Headteacher at The Quran Academy with his wife Muftiyah Nasima Umm Hamza.

Additional information about the ‘Alimiyyah

The Shahada al-‘Alimiyyah has been translated as ‘Licence in Islamic Scholarship’ and is the most distinguished accolade awarded by the Institute. Students will spend a minimum of two years under the tutelage of Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi perfecting their studies in the Islamic Sciences. After the two years, students will be entitled to sit their final exams which will be in Arabic, which will then signify the completion of the ISP and grants the student full authorisation in Islamic Scholarship (shahadah). This is in addition to the ijazat received throughout the ISP upon completion of certain texts of fiqh and hadith, and those issued on our Sacred Sciences Journeys.

Additional information about Ijazaat

He attained Ijazaat Amma & Samaa’ from the following shuyoukh in the UK

1. Shaykh Mohammed Akram An-Nadwi

2. Shaykh Muhammad Ziad bin Omar al-Tuklah - Kitab al-Ikhlas wa-al-Niyah of Ibn Abi al-Dunya and Juz al-Ansari

3. Shaykh Muhammad Ayyub Surti; senior student of Shaykh Yunus Jaunpuri and possessor of one of the highest and unique Hadith isnads in the United Kingdom - Ijazah for al-Awail al-Sunbuliyyah

He attained Ijazaat Amma & Samaa’ from the following shuyoukh in Al-Maghrib from the city of Rabat and Fez

1. Shaykh Abdur Razzaq al-Kattani

2. Shaykh Badr al-Din al-Kattani

3. Shaykha Nuzha Kattaniyyah

4. Shaykha Nurul Huda Kattaniyyah

5. Shaykh Jafar al-Kattani

6. Shaykh Muhammad Abdur Rahman al-Kattani

7. Shaykh Abdur Razzaq al-Jay

8. Shaykh Muhammad al-Siqalli

9. Shaykh Imam Abdur Rahman al-Kattani (possessor of the highest isnads in the world) Ijaza samaa’ (hearing) of the entire Shamail of Tirmidhi

10. Shaykh Muhammad Idris al-Fasi al-Fihri (Khatib of Jami al-Qarawiyin)

11. Shaykha Bahiyyah al-Qutbiyyah (107 years old and student of Imam Tahir Ibn Ashour)

He attained Ijazaat from the following scholars from Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Madinah Al-Munawwarah

* الشيخ رحمة الله بن عبد الغني البرماوي سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية وأوائل الكتب الستة والدارمي والموطأين وبر الوالدين.

* الشيخ حامد بن أحمد بن أكرم البخاري سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية

* الشيخة منيرة بنت جمال سنبل سمعنا منها الحديث المسلسل بالأولية وأوائل الكتب الستة والدارمي والموطأين وبر الوالدين.

* الشيخ علي بن سالم بن سعيد الحضرمي سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية

* الشيخ عبد الله التوم سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية والأوائل السنبلية وعوالي الغيلانيات

* الشيخ عبد الرحمن بن حسين الموجان الغامدي سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية والحديث المسلسل بالمحبة والأوائل السنبلية كاملاً وعوالي الغيلانيات

* الشيخ عبد الوكيل بن عبد الحق الهاشمي سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية والحديث المسلسل بالعين والأوائل السنبلية كاملاً وعوالي الغيلانيات

* الشيخ عبد القيوم بن عبد الغفور السندي سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية والأوائل السنبلية كاملاً وعوالي الغيلانيات.

Muftiya Nasima Umm Hamza

Pastoral Counsellor & Fiqh Instructor

Muftiyah Nasima Umm Hamza
holds a degree from Queen Mary University in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and she is a qualified teacher. After studying in Egypt and attaining Ijazaat and an Islamic Scholarship (Alimiyyah) under the tutelage of Shaykh Akram Nadwi, she established The Quran Institute with her husband. Currently, she is an instructor and course co-ordinator for The Quran Institute, Deputy Headteacher at The Quran Academy which she also co-founded with her husband, and a pastoral care worker at al-Madad Outreach. She recently completed her studies in iftaa at Darul Ilm Birmingham to qualify as a muftiyah. She is also a proud mother of four.

Additional information about the ‘Alimiyyah

The Shahada al-‘Alimiyyah has been translated as ‘Licence in Islamic Scholarship’ and is the most distinguished accolade awarded by the Institute. Students will spend a minimum of two years under the tutelage of Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi perfecting their studies in the Islamic Sciences. After the two years, students will be entitled to sit their final exams which will be in Arabic, which will then signify the completion of the ISP and grants the student full authorisation in Islamic Scholarship (shahadah). This is in addition to the ijazat received throughout the ISP upon completion of certain texts of fiqh and hadith, and those issued on our Sacred Sciences Journeys.

    Additional information about Ijazaat

She attained Ijazaat Amma & Samaa’ from the following shuyoukh in the UK

1. Shaykh Mohammed Akram An-Nadwi

2. Shaykh Muhammad Ziad bin Omar al-Tuklah - Kitab al-Ikhlas wa-al-Niyah of Ibn Abi al-Dunya and Juz al-Ansari

3. Shaykh Muhammad Ayyub Surti; senior student of Shaykh Yunus Jaunpuri and possessor of one of the highest and unique Hadith isnads in the United Kingdom - Ijazah for al-Awail al-Sunbuliyyah

She attained Ijazaat Amma & Samaa’ from the following shuyoukh in Al-Maghrib from the city of Rabat and Fez

1. Shaykh Abdur Razzaq al-Kattani

2. Shaykh Badr al-Din al-Kattani3. Shaykha Nuzha Kattaniyyah

4. Shaykha Nurul Huda Kattaniyyah

5. Shaykh Jafar al-Kattani

6. Shaykh Muhammad Abdur Rahman al-Kattani

7. Shaykh Abdur Razzaq al-Jay

8. Shaykh Muhammad al-Siqalli

9. Shaykh Imam Abdur Rahman al-Kattani (possessor of the highest isnads in the world) Ijaza samaa’ (hearing) of the entire Shamail of Tirmidhi

10. Shaykh Muhammad Idris al-Fasi al-Fihri (Khatib of Jami al-Qarawiyin)

11. Shaykha Bahiyyah al-Qutbiyyah (107 years old and student of Imam Tahir Ibn Ashour)

She attained Ijazaat from the following scholars from Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Madinah Al-Munawwarah

* الشيخ رحمة الله بن عبد الغني البرماوي سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية وأوائل الكتب الستة والدارمي والموطأين وبر الوالدين.* الشيخ حامد بن أحمد بن أكرم البخاري سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية* الشيخة منيرة بنت جمال سنبل سمعنا منها الحديث المسلسل بالأولية وأوائل الكتب الستة والدارمي والموطأين وبر الوالدين.* الشيخ علي بن سالم بن سعيد الحضرمي سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية* الشيخ عبد الله التوم سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية والأوائل السنبلية وعوالي الغيلانيات* الشيخ عبد الرحمن بن حسين الموجان الغامدي سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية والحديث المسلسل بالمحبة والأوائل السنبلية كاملاً وعوالي الغيلانيات* الشيخ عبد الوكيل بن عبد الحق الهاشمي سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية والحديث المسلسل بالعين والأوائل السنبلية كاملاً وعوالي الغيلانيات* الشيخ عبد القيوم بن عبد الغفور السندي سمعنا منه الحديث المسلسل بالأولية والأوائل السنبلية كاملاً وعوالي الغيلانيات.